Monday, 17 January 2011

The Creek Crossing Revisited

Took a walk down to the creek crossing this afternoon - what an amazing change from six days ago (see the video two posts back).  But it isn't pretty, and I won't be driving across it any time soon.

Here's what it was like on the 11th of January:
and here's what it's like today:
If it helps, the photos are taken from opposite sides of the crossing.  In the last one, the track to the house is in the middle left of the photo.  In the earlier one, the track to the road is in the middle top of the photo.

Clearly a huge amount of rock has been eroded away, though it is impressive that so much of the foundation of the crossing remains, even in the gully carved into the crossing against the far bank.  Bernie (our earth-works magician) did a great job on this crossing.

Parts of the rest of the track were a bit knocked around too.  Here's the section that I repaired so painstakingly back after Christmas - the rocks in the erosion gullies represent about seven hours' work with a wheelbarrow.
The flowing water has scoured out around the repair on the right.  But what isn't so evident is that the erosion gullies have been extended several metres at the top of the photo.  Living on a hill has its advantages (e.g. no floods) and it's disadvantages (e.g. needs a cross-country access track that has to be maintained).  Oh well....

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