28 January 2009 - The team arrives to start the slab. These guys are amazing, totally prepared, bring all their gear with them, make up reinforcement and formwork on-site.

Digging the outer footings.

Bit tricky getting the footing trench to match with the plumbing already installed. That's the shower and composting toilet in the background.

Internal footing trenches dug and mounds of road base packed down. Workshop in background - stainless steel rainwater tank on the right.
Morning of the second day - plastic membrane being laid.

Footings being poured - afternoon of Day 2

Beginning of Day 3 - first pour of the slab onto the footings. 11mm of rain overnight, and the driver of this truck said that he had trouble getting up the track from the road.

The second cement truck arrived before the first one had left, and said that he doubted that anyone else would get up the track because of the damage he had done to it. It had already started raining again. While he was there the first truck left - and got stuck trying to get up out of the creek crossing. Gordon arranged for our earthmoving contractor, Bernie, to bring his big back-hoe - before he arrived the truck driver managed to get out. Bernie agreed to stay around in case anyone else got stuck (two more cement trucks due), and while waiting he touched up the track to eliminate the more boggy bits.
No more problems with bogging - thanks Bernie.
The finished slab, looking west to the workshop.
View to the North across the porch.

View to the Southwest.

Looking East at sunrise.

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